
Residual inhibition

Residual inhibition is the ability of our own hearing to temporarily make a sound disappear after certain stimuli. It is a phenomenon known in psychoacoustics which is defined by residual masking, after the end of the emission of a masking sound. Let's discover together what it is exactly and above all how Diapason managed to integrate it in a fun and innovative way.

Residual inhibition in the literature

In 1971, Professor Feldman defined residual inhibition as a phenomenon of temporary reduction of tinnitus generated by exposure to noise related to the audiometric spectrum of the tinnitus in question. In other words, the residual state of inhibition represents the moment when the intensity of your tinnitus decreases after a sound stimulation. Residual inhibition has a direct action on the central nervous system (region of our brain that receives and processes information in order to activate different parts of our body). The central nervous system is notably composed of a gyrus (a set of sinuous folds) called "precuneus". Studies have shown that people with hearing loss (even mild) while suffering from chronic tinnitus do not activate this area of ​​the brain enough. Acoustic stimulation stimulates this region, resulting in a revival of precuneus activity. This allows us to explain the impact of the residual inhibition on the very symptoms of tinnitus. So we understand where the decrease or disappearance of your tinnitus comes from when this phenomenon occurs. Residual inhibition actively participates in reducing what is called "tinnitus salience". A word some can barbaric to indicate that it simply has the power to occupy the field of your consciousness. The higher this “tinnitus salience”, the greater the presence of your tinnitus. Conversely, the more it decreases, the less your tinnitus will have an impact on you.

Residual inhibition developed by Diapason

All the particularity of Diapason lies in the creation of an innovative digital tool based on the specific characteristics of your tinnitus. Thanks to a system of personalized acoustic impulses, Diapason acts directly on your central nervous system (place of information processing) to modify the intensity of your tinnitus. The volume of the sound we emit in your ears is then slightly higher than the intensity of your tinnitus. This is a so-called "narrow band" noise, centered on the frequency of your tinnitus. Therapeutic noise, emitted in the form of acoustic pulses, lasts at least one minute. During the broadcast, we integrate short silent breaks. The acoustic pulses (corresponding to the frequency of your tinnitus) are broadcast for 3 seconds. Each session is then interrupted by a second of silence. At the end of this minute of stimulation, you can already observe this phenomenon of residual inhibition. By allowing you to take a break from your tinnitus when you want, Diapason will also act positively on the psychological level. No longer hearing your tinnitus for a few seconds or a few minutes opens up new perspectives. It gives you hope and gives you immediate relief. Proposed in the form of fun activities, sometimes stimulating your memory sometimes your speed, you follow your therapy without getting bored.

To offer you to create residual inhibition in one minute, anywhere and anytime, that's what Diapason offers you. In times of crisis, you can always count on your best ally! When the symptoms reach an intensity that is no longer bearable (stress, anxiety, anger, distress), you can always take out your smartphone and take a break from your tinnitus.

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